Travel internationally independently

Mobility and disability

Organizing a trip, searching for information, traveling, and precisely identifying places on site are complicated concepts to implement and represent real obstacles for people with disabilities.

Based on the concept of Human Development Model – Disability Creation Process (HDM – DCP), we can carry out an analysis of the environment and more particularly the elements of obstacles that a person with a disability may face in his search for support to undertake a trip abroad.

This directory, beyond directly addressing people with disabilities, can also prove useful for anyone likely to support this audience. To our knowledge, there are few or no tools suitable for working on these mobility issues.

The resources we present represent significant work to support, in good conditions, people with disabilities and different types of disabilities. This helps reassure people about their support capabilities, the knowledge they can acquire and the potential solutions found.

Click on the image to access the directory
accessible travel sites and applications.

Mobility, the basis of inclusion

infos contributeurs

contributor information

  • Les Fermes Nos Pilifs with Vincent Picquet (Belgium),
  • The RIPPH with Patrick Fougeyrollas (Canada),
  • The T’Cap Collective with Jade Clérissy (France).

Toute l’équipe a été épaulée par l’Agence 16, agence de communication de la région nantaise.